According to Neo (2018) the article states that “Nature Group Seeks More Information on Impact of Cross Island Site Investigation”, nature lovers are keen to know about the effects of drilling works in Machritchie forests and welcomes the public to enquire to Land Transport Authority (LTA) if they have any. Question includes monitoring of animals for up to 6 months before and after the drilling of boreholes, would be made transparent to the public and projected outcome of moderate impact from the assessment is accurate if alleviation measures was taken. One volunteer claims that details of mitigation measures were not enough and some are worried about how the monitoring are being handled. Volunteers are hoping that LTA can promise them that dealing with environmental impact must be thorough and careful to minimise the impact caused.


  1. Hi Cheng Feng,

    We have read your summary and your citations are done well, however you are unclear on the key points of the article. We are unable to identify the main idea of the article which is the reason why volunteers are complying questions for LTA, and LTA's vague responses.

    From the first sentence, it is unclear who is the party welcoming feedback from the public and who is the responding party (LTA or Nature lovers). At the end of line 3, is that a question made by the public or a statement made by LTA? You could be more clear on what are the main parts of the article, so that the reader would be able to understand the purpose of the article.

    Hope that our comments would help you out!

    Commented by JJ and Sarah.

  2. Thank you Sarah and JJ! Yes i agree that your comments really help me out! Will edit the summary later on!


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