According to Neo (2018) the article states that “Nature Group Seeks More Information on Impact of Cross Island Site Investigation”, nature group wants to know about the environmental impact caused by the drilling works from the Land Transport Authority(LTA) and welcomes the public to submit any queries about the impact to the LTA. The drilling 16 boreholes were done to find a suitable condition for the line to be structured tunnel under nature reserve or skirting around it. Environmental impact assessment is done after the drilling work and it shows moderate impact if alleviation measures were taken. When being questioned whether the statement is true, LTA remains quiet. LTA also fail to provide frequency of animal sightings before and after the work done. As LTA fails to provide sufficient information, it worries the nature group thus questions are being compiled and hope LTA will provide assurance and address their concern.

I fully agree with why nature lovers are compiling questions to the LTA, due to the lack of information provided by the authority. LTA did not provide sufficient details regarding about the cons or impact it caused to the environment. Hence many are questioning whether LTA will be transparent to the public.

Neo Chai Chin (28 June, 2018) Nature Group Seeks More Information on Impact of Cross Island Line Site Investigations. Adapted from:


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